About me!
You just need to be accepted for who you are and be proud of who you are and that is what I'm trying to do.

Hello! Here is my recent life story!

I am a student pursuing my sophomore year in SRM University, Chennai, India. I had a keen interest in designing since my school days, so in my first year, I began learning and implementing my designs and most of what I learnt about graphic designing is from a student club in my college which i am grateful to be a part of.

Then I wanted to try UI/UX after I completed my internship first internship in Graphic designing, and I started learning about UX and how better UI can be built. This interest was ever so random but I am thankful I found my groove in it. So here I am!

As I was exploring web2 designing I fumbled upon web3, I did want to learn more , so I had attended an event by Solana in Bangalore with my friends and I found my mentors and now I am learning and actively taking part in events and helping the web3 community grow!

Soon after, my friends and I started a Decentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO) for students as we found that there is a need for a space for students to be open and non hesitant in asking "What exactly is web3?".

We took the opportunity and built DOPE DAO! I met some amazing people and I am currently learning RUST and will be doing some exciting projects!

What am i good at?


Graphic Designing
Exploring new design and trying out the tools in adobe photoshop and illustrator
Playing around in Figma and Webflow and learning how to properly research before designing.
Management and Development
Active learner about how to manage events and in development side of the world!
Learning new things!
Learning new always excites me!
I am currently learning RUST!
Something that relaxes and makes me think straight and get my focus back.
Yet another hobby which I am trying to not let die due to work!
PS: Need a Goalkeeper hit the contact button!
Want to contact me?
My contact details are present here, do share your thoughts , click the button below!!
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